So last week I was on vacation and I was so ready to do some knitting. Well that didn't happen. I spent two days at the car wash getting my car detailed. Then I had to run errands for my mom. On my vacation!!!! I did get a little bit of sewing and knitting in but it was very little. I found myself realizing that everyone wants a some of your time when you are vacationing at home. You don't even have to tell anyone that you are on vacation, its like they just happen to call you in the middle of a work day and say:
"What are you doing home?"
"Um.... nothing." (shoot, wrong answer)
"Oh, are you on vacation?"
Don't say it. Don't say it. " Yeah."
"Oh well since your not busy do you want to (fill in the blank)?"
" Well, I really want to get some knitting done this week."
" You can do that anytime. I'll be there in five minutes." Click.
I guess some people don't take me seriously when I say that I want to knit or just relax. I get a little cranky when I don't have that time to myself. They just keep calling me. And when I don't answer my phone they hang up and call back 6 times!
All I need is a little time here people.